Dear Friends in Faith,

Over the past few weeks we’ve seen the devastation of two massive hurricanes.  We’ve also witnessed the heroism of neighbors and emergency workers, and the generosity of millions who’ve given money to help those who’ve lost so much.  Coming on the heels of the divisive and hateful events in Charlottesville, this witness of neighbors helping neighbors reminds us that the bonds of love are stronger than hate.  We have more in common than that which divides us.

Let us reject the rhetoric of hate and embrace love.  Let us see each other in all our humanity and reach toward each other in generosity.  If you scroll down you can find information about how to donate to hurricane relief efforts through UMCOR.  Also, below, I have included a prayer for a world impacted by natural disasters.

Your Friend in Faith,
Pastor Kristabeth


This beautiful world
can be cruel,
destroying life
and livelihood
in an instant,
challenging our faith
in a God who cares.
This beautiful world
is yours, Lord,
created in love,
gifted by grace.
Help us
understand it ,
care for it ,
protect it,
and when disaster strikes
be there,
if not in person,
then in prayer.

~ John Birch at Faith and Worship


Pastor Kristabeth’s Schedule and Office Hours Week of September 17-24

(Schedule may change as visitation needs and other pressing matters arise.)

Sunday: Worship 9:30am

Monday: Office 8:30m-10:30am, Afternoon Meeting in White River Junction

Tuesday: Lectionary Group in St. Albans 9am-10am, Visits

Wednesday:  Working Out of the Office

Thursday: Office Hours 10am-2pm, Barnes & Noble Open Hours 3:30pm-5:30pm

Friday:  Office Hours 8am-10am, Writers Workshop 10:30am-12:30am, Clergy Lunch

Saturday:  Pastor’s Sabbath


Worship Sunday, September 17

Theme: Preachers’ Aid Society

Scripture:  Luke 12:13-21, Psalm 107:1-9

Sermon: Caring for Those Who Have Cared for Us – Rev. Wesley Palmer


Guest Preacher from The Preachers’ Aid Society

Rev. Wesley Palmer will be our guest preacher on Sunday.  Rev. Palmer is the executive director of The Preachers’ Aid Society.  You may remember our work with The Preachers’ Aid Society for our Forward in Faith capital campaign in 2013.  With their help we were able to raise funds to re-pave our parking lot, re-roof our building and re-carpet the gathering space and sanctuary, as well as support PAS in the building of retired clergy housing in Wells, ME.  Rev. Palmer will share the ongoing mission of PAS and how it connects with God’s mission in the world!


Run for JUMP

Kenny Chamberlain (who was confirmed on Sunday) is participating in the Run for JUMP and would appreciate any support you can give!  Here is the link to his donation page:
Way to go Kenny!


Hurricane Relief Efforts

UMCOR is our United Methodist disaster relief agency.  Through their work we respond to emergencies all over the world and 100% of our donations go directly to those in need.  Here is the link to the donation page for relief efforts for Hurricanes Harvey and Irma:


BISHOP’S DAY IN THE DISTRICT – Tuesday, September 26th

Trinity United Methodist Church, Montpelier

6pm – Potluck

6:30pm – Conversation with the Bishop

Save the date and let Pastor Kristabeth know if you would like to attend and carpool.



The next Methodist Mixer will take place on Saturday, September 30th at Chef Leu’s. For those unfamiliar with the Methodist Mixers, we are a group of people from local Methodist churches who gather twice a year to enjoy good fellowship at a local restaurant. For reservations, please RSVP Beth Williams, 802-881-1984.


Animal Blessing on Sunday, October 1st at 2:00 pm

Our Service of Animal Blessing will be held in Brand Hall on Sunday, October 1st at 2:00 pm. All friendly pets on leashes or in carriers are welcome! Invite your two-legged and four-legged (winged and slithering) friends!

Our FUMC Men’s Breakfast takes place the first Saturday of every month at 8am at Denny’s on Shelburne Rd. All men welcome! Next one Saturday, October 7th


Our FUMC Women’s Breakfast takes place the second Saturday of every Month at 9am at Trader Dukes on Williston Rd.  All women welcome!  Next one Saturday, October 14th


Donate to the Food Shelf – Fill the Shopping Cart! – Place your non-perishable food donations in the shopping cart in the Gathering Space.  We donated 125 pounds of food for August.  Let’s keep up the good work for September!


Donations of disposable razors and toothbrushes are needed for JUMP (Joint Urban Ministry Project).