March 28th – Palm Sunday – 9:30 AM, Guest Preacher, Rev. Andy Oliver
April 1 – Maundy Thursday- Worship at 7:00 PM, Passion readings and prayer
April 2 – Good Friday, 12:00PM – Prayer Service on Facebook Live, Pastor Leigh
April 4 – Easter –
Virtual Narthex, 8:45 AM
Worship, 9:30 AM, Pastor Leigh preaching
*Easter Parade, 12:00 PM- 12:30, bring your brightest most colorful umbrella (no black umbrellas). We will be standing along Dorset Street from 12:00 PM to 12:30 waving at cars. Rain or shine. You can also bring an Easter bonnet if you desire!
Welcome to Faith United Methodist Church
Pastor: Rev. Sean Delmore
Sunday Worship weekly at 9:30AM Nursery care available 899 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
Call 802-863-6764 for more information
For Worship and Devotions archived from FaceBook, click here.