Dear Friends in Faith,

This Sunday our Scripture focus will be on the 23rd Psalm.  Psalm 23 is the most well-known Psalm and perhaps, even, the most well-known Scripture in the Bible.  Those who don’t attend church have likely heard the familiar first line, “The Lord is my Shepherd….”

On Sunday we will consider why this is such a beloved Scripture and how, through it, we are offered acceptance, comfort and strength.  If you have a story about the 23rd Psalm, or would like to share why it is a favorite of yours, I would love to hear from you.

Below you will find a prayer for reflection, along with announcements about events and opportunities in your church and community.

Your Friend in Faith,

Pastor Kristabeth


Be thou my vision, Lord,
this day and every day,
the center of my life,
the focus of my thoughts.
Be thou my wisdom, Lord,
the inspiration of my words,
in every situation,
Your Spirit my support.

~ Faith and Worship


Sunday, April 22

Theme: Home:  A Place at the Table

Scripture: Psalm 23, John 10:11-18

Sermon: Table Prepared


Pastor Kristabeth’s Schedule April 23-27

Monday – Office in the Morning, Afternoon Visits

Tuesday – Office in the Morning

Wednesday – Office in the Morning, Trustees 6:30pm

Thursday – Office in the Morning, Afternoon Visits

Friday – Pastor’s Sabbath


New Member Conversations were canceled due to weather on Sunday.  We will meet this coming Sunday at 10:30am.  Come if you are interest, curious, or just want to know more!


Ham Dinner and Silent Auction

In just a few short weeks, on Saturday, May 5, our church will hold its annual Ham Dinner and Silent Auction. Please note: Due to some scheduling conflicts, the event will NOT be on May 12 as advertised in the April Horizon’s of Faith. We apologize for any confusion. This is our church’s largest fund raising event with all proceeds going towards our operating budget. We will need many volunteers for a successful event, including people to help with setup, cooking, serving, cleanup, baking pies and people to help solicit businesses or donate items for the silent auction. The volunteer sign-up sheets are on the kiosk. Diane Chamberlain will be managing the kitchen and kitchen help. Valerie Kuentzel will be in charge of the Silent Auction portion. Please contact either of these coordinators with questions or to volunteer. See you on Cinco de Mayo, in English: May 5!


Church Conference — Sunday, April 29 at 10:30 am

There will be a special Church Conference on Sunday, April 29th at 10:30 in the Sanctuary. The purpose of the Conference is to affirm the Ministry Candidacy of Tim Riddle. No other items will be discussed. Please plan to stay for this brief, yet important, meeting!


Apply now for 2018-19 general scholarship for NEAC

The New England Conference Scholarship Committee is now accepting applications for the 2018-19 academic year. The deadline for submission is Thursday, May 31, 2018.
Current members of United Methodist churches in the New England Conference attending or planning to attend college or a post-secondary education institution are eligible. The application and required recommendation form are submitted online. Any questions can be directed to Scholarship Committee Chair Paul Carlotto at  You can find the application process here:


Adult Study on “The Anatomy of Peace”

Pastor Kristabeth is leading an Adult Study on the book “The Anatomy of Peace.”  It is one of the Bishop’s recommended books.  Everyone is welcome to attend – Sunday evenings at 5pm.  We meet in the Upper Elementary Room.  The book is available on Amazon for $9.47 paperback ($9.15 Kindle).  Speak with Pastor Kristabeth if you have any questions.  This week we will discuss chapters 4-7.  


Rev. Leigh Goodrich to be Pastor of Faith UMC starting July 1st

Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar intends to appoint Leigh Goodrich as pastor of the Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington effective July 1, 2018 subject to fulfilling all of the requirements needed for a successful transition by the pastor and the respective churches affected by the appointment. The appointment will be finalized at the 2018 Annual Conference Session of the New England Conference.  Let us pray for Pastor Leigh and her husband, Gregory, during this time of transition.


JUMP into Spring
April is our church’s month to collect food bags for the Joint Urban Ministry Project(JUMP).  Last year we collected 23.  Thank you goes to Hannafords on Dorset St for kindly donating the bags.  Please see the display and the food list in the Gathering Space for more information.  Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Compassion Team Message:  Let Us Help Them

In Vermont we have hundred’s of children placed into foster care each year. Which is why the Compassion Team will be encouraging you to learn more about PINS (Partners in Service) – faith communities and human service agencies collaborating to help local children and families in need. We will be kicking off a number of PINS-related programs over the next couple of month:

1) Providing desserts for ~100 people attending the annual Foster/Kin and Adoptive Families Celebration on May 12th. Please mark your baking calendars – we’re looking for fun, kid-friendly desserts to be delivered to FUMC on 5/11 and 5/12. Let’s make this year special for the kids and their families.
2) Clothes Line for Kids – a care package of new clothes for children entering the foster program. More details coming in next month’s newsletter.
3) Mission Moment and Meet & Greet with Cathy Frost, Resource Coordinator for Burlington Department for Children and Families. Date TBD.  Learn more about how you can support PINS, foster families, and other volunteer opportunities.

For more information, please contact Diane Chamberlain, 578-8035 or


Men’s Breakfast – First Saturday of the month at 8am at Denny’s

Women’s Breakfast – Second Saturday of the month at 9am at Trader Dukes