Dear Friends in Faith,
Well, we got some snow! I found out just how much while Gary and I were shoveling out the driveway this morning. Shoveling is not my favorite activity, but it wasn’t too cold and the snow was so beautiful covering the earth and the trees. It wasn’t a bad way to start the day Hopefully the winter sport enthusiasts among us will get a chance to enjoy the snow this weekend.
In our church life we are coming upon the Third Sunday of Advent (the Sunday of Joy), which we will celebrate with our FLOCK Christmas Pageant. Below you will find an Advent prayer to put your spirit in tune with the season. Please scroll down further to read about the upcoming activities of our Faith community.
Your Friend in Faith,
Pastor Krista Beth
Incline your ear, O Lord,
to our pleading,
and by the grace of your coming to us
enlighten the darkness of our hearts,
through Jesus Christ, our Savior,
who is alive with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
~ Bosco Peters
Pastor Krista Beth’s Schedule
Next Tuesday I will be in outreach to the community through my involvement in the Chittenden County Domestic and Sexual Violence Task Force as faith community representative. Otherwise I will be keeping my regular Office and Open Hours.
Sunday Service December 14
Theme: Third Sunday of Advent: Joy
A Modern Day Christmas Pageant by our FLOCK!!
Sunday Evening Advent Study
For the Adult Advent Study, folks have been gathering on Sunday nights at 6:30-7:30pm to sing and study hymns of the season. Come join in some seasonal treats, singing, and sharing some of the inspiration stories behind our favorite carols. The more the merrier!
Advent Healing Service THIS Sunday, December 14th at 5:00pm: Blue Christmas
Our Healing Ministries Team is offering a Blue Christmas Service on Sunday, December 14th at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary. What is a Blue Christmas Service? The UM General Board of Discipleship explains it this way: “Not everyone is up and cheery for the Christmas holidays. Dealing with the death of a loved one, facing life after divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living with cancer or some other dis-ease that puts a question mark over the future, and a number of other human situations make parties and joviality painful for many people in our congregations and communities. There is a growing attentiveness to the needs of people who are blue at Christmas. Increasing numbers of churches are creating sacred space for people living through dark times. Such services are reflective, accepting where we really are, and holding out healing and hope.” Join us for a quiet, meditative worship experience. Invite friends who may be struggling with the holidays. Speak with Pastor Krista Beth if you have any questions.
Christmas Caroling Saturday, December 20th at 5pm
Please come join us in sharing our Christmas cheer with others on Saturday, December 20th beginning at 5 pm at the church. We will visit some of our close by friends and share a song or two. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this year! Wanting in on the fun? Have questions or suggestions? Call Wanda Bezio for more details at 324-4747.
Volunteers Needed for Candlelighting on Christmas Eve!
We still need families / friends to light the Christ Candle at the following services on Christmas Eve:
December 24 5:30pm
December 24 7:30p
Please let Pastor Krista Beth know if you are available and interested!
We are the Deodorant Church! JUMP (Joint Urban Ministries Project) depends on us to provide deodorant to share with members of our community in need. (The Dollar Store is a great place to buy deodorant.) There is a basket on the Outreach Table in the Gathering Space where donations of deodorant can be placed. Thank you!
*If you wish to be removed from this distribution list, please let me know by replying to this e-mail. Thanks!
Rev. Krista Beth Atwood
Faith United Methodist Church
899 Dorset St.
South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 863-6764
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:30am (Tuesday 10:00am) -12:00pm (Off on Friday)
Open Hours: Monday 3:30pm-5:30pm Barnes and Noble Cafe on Dorset St.
“What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8