Dear Friends in Faith,
Lent is now upon us, the season of reflection and repentance. Often during Lent, Christians give up something (chocolate, coffee) as a way to acknowledge our dependence on God. When we crave the thing we gave up we are to think of God and thank God for all that God has given us. This is one form of a Lenten fast.
Another Lenten discipline involves taking something on – whether it is service in the community, writing letters to friends in need, or donating to a worthy cause. In this form of Lenten discipline, we give thanks to God for the ability to do that thing we have taken on for Lent.
Whatever you are doing to acknowledge it, I wish you a blessed Lent. May you be open to God’s working in your heart to bring about transformation. Below you will find a prayer for the beginning of Lent. Further down are announcements about church events and opportunities.
Your Friend in Faith,
Pastor Kristabeth
Remind us often Lord,
when we are feeling
beyond reproach,
pleased with ourselves,
self sufficient in our ways,
that for such as us
and better
and worse
you walked a road
that took you to a cruel cross,
and rose again to show us where
we might look for rescue
as from this lofty perch
we fall.
~ Faith and Worship
Sunday, February 18 – First Sunday of Lent
Theme: Grace for our Brokenness
Scripture: Genesis 9:8-17, Mark 1:9-15
Sermon: “Jesus’ Pop-Quiz”
Compassion Circle offering a Mission Moment for JUMP
Pastor Kristabeth’s Schedule February 19-23
Monday – Office Closed for President’s Day
Tuesday – Office in the Morning, Lunch Meeting
Wednesday – Office 10am-1pm, Afternoon Visit, Worship at Gazebo Senior Living
Thursday – Office 10am-1pm, Afternoon Visits
Friday – Pastor’s Day Off
New Member Conversations
You might be wondering about our church history or how Faith UMC plans for the future. Who decides what we’ll do next week, next month, next year? What does membership mean? How can I become more involved? What are my spiritual gifts? Who was John Wesley and why is he important to Methodists? If you’d like some answers – let Tricia Waldron know you are interested by seeing her at church or calling 373-6114 or via email
Faith United Methodist Women Meeting – SUNDAY, MARCH 11TH
There will be a meeting after worship on March 11th for anyone interested in having a bazaar this year. We need to decide whether to continue or explore other fundraising opportunities. Please come with ideas and suggestions.
Pines Ministry Team
We are looking to grow our Pines Ministry Team, which offers monthly worship and communion at the Pines Senior Living community. Participants read Scripture, offer prayers and give an occasional sermon. Our next Pines Worship is next Sunday (February 25th) at 11:30am. Please join us if you are curious or interested! Speak with Tim Hess or Pastor Kristabeth for more information.
The Methodist Mixers will dine Saturday, March 24th, at the Windjammer Restaurant at 5:30pm. Mark your calendars and contact Beth or Rod Williams at 658-6468. You may also call for more information. This is a group of Methodists from area churches who meet a few times a year for fellowship and food. Anyone is welcome, singles or couples. Please join us!
Men’s Breakfast – 1st Saturday of the month at 8am at Denny’s
Women’s Breakfast – 2nd Saturday of the month at 9am at Trader Dukes