Dear Friends in Faith,
I’ve heard Lent described as a ‘heavy’ time of year. During Lent we contemplate some weighty things ~ like sin, temptation, arrogance and greed. We remember how Jesus entered the wilderness and how, in the days before his death, he traveled the road to Jerusalem with his disciples. Yet, the truth is, we must travel these difficult roads to get to the joy of the resurrection. As the prayer below reminds us, our sin is no match for God’s grace. This is the hope we hold on to during Lent.
And please scroll down further to read about the upcoming activities of our Faith family and community.
Your Friend in Faith,
Pastor Krista Beth
Your Word reveals to us a simple truth,
that sin entered this world
through human folly
in believing we could be like you,
and permeated history
through envy, selfishness and greed.
Yet sin, which holds us tight
within its grasp
cannot resist a heart that is touched
by your grace through Jesus Christ,
cannot contend with Living Water
pouring into hearts and souls.
Your Word reveals to us a simple truth,
that sin is defeated
and we can become
the people we were always meant to be,
by your grace through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Pastor Krista Beth’s Schedule
On Monday I will be leaving the office at 11:15am for a clergy womens’ lunch. Wednesday I will be in ministry in the community through my work on the Vermont Domestic Violence Council. Otherwise I plan to keep my regular Office and Open hours.
Sunday Service March 1
Theme: Second Sunday of Lent
Scripture: Mark 8:31-38
Sermon: Is Your God Big Enough? Rev. Anne Roberts Preaching
Communion and Healing Prayer
A Lenten Healing Service will be held Sunday, March 8th at 5pm. All are welcome for a time of prayer and reflection.
Tending Faith ~ Leadership Empowerment and Development
Wednesday, March 4th at 7pm
“Tending Faith” is an ongoing gathering on the first Wednesday of each month for current church leaders and those who are discerning a call to leadership in the church. All are welcome! It will be an opportunity for current / future leaders to come together for Bible Study, leadership discussion and tool-building, and prayer in a one-hour format. Speak with Pastor Krista Beth for more information.
JUMP Bag Collection
During the month of March, we are responsible for filling 30 food bags for JUMP (Joint Urban Ministries Project). JUMP operates out of the Congregational Church downtown and distributes bags to 10 families each day. Hannaford’s has donated 30 reusable bags and there is a list attached of items needed on each bag. These are available in the narthex and when filled should be returned there.
MARCH BASKETBOWL MADNESS – The Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf is in need of cereal bowls. We are collecting six inch diameter bowls though the month of March. There is a basketbowl basket in the Narthex.
Outreach Opportunity: Help Our Neighbors in Need
We are collecting items to fill “guest bags” for the new Burlington Warming Shelter. Items needed are listed on the tear off sheet on the kiosk. For those who travel frequently, we need your hotel soaps, shampoos, conditioners and lotions. There is a basket in the Gathering Space for collecting items.
When is Easter?
Lately I’ve fielded a few questions about how we figure out the day of Easter. Easter is what Christians call a “moveable feast,” meaning the date changes year to year. The details of the exact calculation of the Easter date slip my mind, so I did some research and this is what I found:
“Easter is the Sunday following the paschal full moon, which is the full moon that falls on or after the vernal (spring) equinox. We know that Easter must always occur on a Sunday, because Sunday was the day of Christ’s Resurrection. But why the paschal full moon? Because that was the date of Passover in the Jewish calendar, and the Last Supper occurred on the Passover. The Church does not use the exact date of the paschal full moon but an approximation, because the paschal full moon can fall on different days in different time zones, which would mean that the date of Easter would be different depending on which time zone you live in. For calculation purposes, the full moon is always set at the 14th day of the lunar month (the lunar month begins with the new moon).” ~
Rev. Krista Beth Atwood
Faith United Methodist Church
899 Dorset St.
South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 863-6764
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 10:00am – 12:00pm (Off on Friday)
Open Hours: Monday 3:30pm-5:30pm Barnes and Noble Cafe on Dorset St.
“What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8