Dear Friends in Faith,
This week we enter the Season of Lent. Maybe some of you are giving something up for Lent. Others may be taking on a spiritual practice, such as daily prayer or exercise. These disciplines not only may improve our lives and health, but help us draw closer to God. By taking up a spiritual practice during Lent we acknowledge God’s place in our lives.
As you consider how you might recognize God this Lenten Season, remember that no matter what you do God is with you to help you along the journey. Below you will find a prayer for this season. Please scroll down further to read about the upcoming activities of our Faith family and community.
Your Friend in Faith,
Pastor Krista Beth
let everything I do this day and in this season of Lent
come from you, be inspired by you.
I long to be closer to you.
Help me to remember that nothing is important in my life
unless it glorifies you in some way.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day of my life and keep saying,
”Tomorrow, I will spend more time in prayer,”
but now my longing meets your love and I want to do it now.
Help me to rely on you for help.
Heal me, Lord, and help me to find you in the darkness of my life.
Let me reach out in this darkness and feel your hand and love there to guide me. Amen.
Pastor Krista Beth’s Schedule
Next week I plan to keep my regular Office and Open Hours.
Sunday Service February 22 ~ Lenten Breakfast
Theme: Preparation
Scripture: Genesis 9:8-17, Mark 1:9-15
Sermon: Testing Time ~ Liz Dallas preaching
Our Annual Lenten Breakfast will be in Brand Hall THIS Sunday, February 22nd at 9am with worship following.
Sunday Evening Adult Study ~ The Book of Esther: Holy Gumption
All are welcome to our Adult Study focusing on The Book of Esther. Our meetings are in the High School Room:
Sunday, February 22 at 5:30pm
Final class Sunday, March 1 at 5:30pm
Lenten Healing Service will be held Sunday, March 8th at 5pm. All are welcome.
Outreach Opportunity: Help Our Neighbors in Need
We are collecting items to fill “guest bags” for the new Burlington Warming Shelter. Items needed are listed on the tear off sheet on the kiosk. For those who travel frequently, we need your hotel soaps, shampoos, conditioners and lotions. There is a basket in the Gathering Space for collecting items.
Staff Parish Relations Team Update
It’s been a busy time for your Staff Parish Relations Team. If you have questions or comments regarding the employees of Faith Church, contact Pastor Krista Beth or any member of the Staff Parish Relations Team:
Lois D’Arcangelo, 985-2996
Jim Cross, 655-1338
Dave McGarry, 655-3275
Michele Donahue, 862-4937
Tricia Waldron, 864-0732
Vermont Refuge Resettlement Program Needs Furniture Now!
Help us help new arrivals! If you would like to donate any of the following please contact Kapil Chapagai, or 802-338-4628:
Sofas and Side Chairs
Dining Tables
Bed Frames
*If you wish to be removed from this distribution list, please let me know by replying to this e-mail. Thanks!
Rev. Krista Beth Atwood
Faith United Methodist Church
899 Dorset St.
South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 863-6764
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 10:00am – 12:00pm (Off on Friday)
Open Hours: Monday 3:30pm-5:30pm Barnes and Noble Cafe on Dorset St.
“What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8