Dear Friends in Faith,

This week we managed to string together a couple of sunny, dry days.  What a blessing!  I’ve certainly enjoyed not getting wet while walking the dogs.  I think it is true that we appreciate our blessings even more when we have to wait for them! Let’s pray that these blessings continue and the rain stays away for our church picnic on Sunday.  Yet, even if we are inside in Brand Hall the blessings of fellowship, food and fun will rain down on us!

Below I’ve included a prayer celebrating God’s creation. Please scroll down to read the announcements about events and opportunities in our church and community.

Your Friend in Faith,
Pastor Kristabeth

That we can glimpse you within creation
is a beautiful thought,
but also tells us that you desire to be seen,
to be found and known.
Open our eyes, Lord,
as we walk through this world,
feel the wind and sunshine,
see the majesty of creation
unfolding before our eyes.
Help us to see you.  Amen.

~ Faith and Worship

Pastor Kristabeth’s Schedule and Office Hours Week of July 23-29

(Schedule may change as visitation needs and other pressing matters arise.)

Sunday: Worship 9:30am, Worship at the Pines 11:30am, Church Picnic 5:30pm-7:30pm

Monday: Office 8:30am-11:30am, Office Work and / or Visits in Afternoon

Tuesday: Lectionary Group 9am-10am, Visit, Afternoon Off

Wednesday:  Worship at St. Michael’s 11:30am, Office 1pm-4pm, Trustee Meeting 7pm

Thursday: Office 10am-2pm, Visit, Barnes & Noble Open Hours 3:30pm-5:30pm

Friday:  Office 8am-10am, Office Work and / or Visits in Late Morning, Afternoon Off

Saturday:  Pastor’s Sabbath


Rosemary, our Office Administrator, is on vacation July 24-28.  Office coverage will be limited.  Please call before you stop by the church office. 


Worship Sunday, July 23 – Family Stories

Theme: The Black Sheep

Scripture:  Genesis 28:10-19a, Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24

Sermon:  “The Morning After”


Summer Worship Series:  Family Stories – Bring Family Photos for Altar
Ancient Families, Modern Stories, Sundays June 18 – July 30
We are nearing the end of our worship series “Family Stories.”  You may still bring your family photos to decorate the worship space!  These last two Sundays of the series you will have the chance to share a family story during our worship time and / or at other times during the service.  If you have a (short) family story you would like to share please let me know by e-mailing or calling the church office at 863-6764.


Church Picnic THIS Sunday, July 23rd 5:30-7:30pm at Veteran’s Park Pavilion, Dorset Park, South Burlington:  Hot dogs will be provided.  Bring a dish to share!  Rain location is at the church in Brand Hall. 


Lake Monster’s Game with Fireworks Saturday, August 19

Ticket Prices: $6.00 – Adults and Children under 12, $4.00 Seniors and Children under 12

Deadline for Sign Up:  August 1 (Sign-up sheet on kiosk)

See Tim Hess with any questions.

Children’s Table in Sanctuary

For those children who are too old for the nursery, but too young to be expected to sit quietly for an hour, we have set up an activity table in the sanctuary.  Children are not required to be at the table.  They are welcome to play at the table for part or all of worship, as they would like.  There are coloring sheets, books, and games available.  If you have an older child who would like to sit at the table and engage with the younger ones as a helper, that would be great too! We hope this creates a space in which parents can worship and children feel welcome and included.  Children are a blessing to our church and our worship experience, with all the joy and enthusiasm they bring!


Nursery Care Volunteer Needed First Sunday of the Month

Our dedicated Nursery Care Provider, Sharon, takes the first Sunday of the month off so she can attend worship.  If you would like to volunteer to provide nursery coverage on the first Sundays of the month please speak with Pastor Kristabeth.  Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.  Those under 18 may serve as nursery assistants under an adult’s supervision.


Donate to the Food Shelf:  With children home from school for the summer break, need continues to be great. Place your donation in the shopping cart in the Gathering Space.


Weekday Bible Study Survey – Participate Now! 

For the past several years we have held a weekday Bible Study during the school year (September –June).  At various times we’ve met weekly or every other week, in the morning or in the afternoon.  In order to determine the best time for the study I’ve created a poll.  Participation in the poll does not obligate you to attend!  Please give your feedback as to what days and times would work best for you if you were to attend a weekday study:

(This study is for those available during the day.  We will continue to have Sunday and evening studies for those who are occupied during the weekdays.) Thanks!


Ministry Circles on the Web!

As our circle ministry plan continues to evolve –

so does our website.

If you haven’t been there in a while –

take it for a spin!