Dear Friends in Faith,

Independence Day is next week, and our thoughts turn to the celebration of freedom.  Often the 4th of July is filled with cook-outs, family get-togethers and fireworks.  We are blessed to live in a country where we have the freedom to gather, the freedom to worship and the freedom to hold different opinions.  The rich diversity of our country is what gives us our strength.

This Independence Day I invite you to consider how you can use your freedom to make the world a better, safer place for someone else.  May we not take our freedom for granted, but may we use our freedom to do God’s will.  Be safe this Independence Day!

Your Friend in Faith,
Pastor Kristabeth

Lord God Almighty, you have made all the peoples of the earth for your glory, to serve you in freedom and in peace: Give to the people of our country a zeal for justice and the strength of forbearance, that we may use our liberty in accordance with your gracious will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.  ~ Book of Common Prayer

Pastor Kristabeth’s Schedule and Office Hours Week of July 2 – 8

(Schedule may change as visitation needs and other pressing matters arise.)

Sunday: Worship 9:30am

Monday: Office 8:30am-11:30am, Afternoon Off (Rosemary on Vacation)

Tuesday: Independence Day – Office Closed

Wednesday: Confirmation Class 9:30am-12pm, Office 1pm-4pm

Thursday: Office 10am-2pm (Personal Appointment 12pm-1pm), Visit,

Barnes & Noble Open Hours 3:30pm-5:30pm

Friday:  Office 8am-10am, Writer’s Workshop 10:30am-12:30pm

Saturday:  Pastor’s Sabbath


Worship Sunday, July 2 – Family Stories

Theme: Sacrifice and Secrets

Scripture:  Genesis 22:1-14, Psalm 13

Sermon:  “The Fear of Isaac”

We will share Holy Communion

No nursery care this week.

Summer Worship Series:  Family Stories – Bring Family Photos for Altar
Ancient Families, Modern Stories, Sundays June 18 – July 30
We will travel with Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecka, Jacob, Leah and Rachel, hearing their stories and reflecting on our own stories in light of God’s great promise that they ~ and we ~ shall be a blessing to the world. During this series we will be decorating the church with family photos.  Please bring in your family photos – modern or of past generations – so that together we may see the varieties of families that make up the family of God!

Children’s Table in Sanctuary

For those children who are too old for the nursery, but too young to be expected to sit quietly for an hour, we have set up an activity table in the sanctuary.  Children are not required to be at the table.  They are welcome to play at the table for part or all of worship, as they would like.  There are coloring sheets, books, and games available.  If you have an older child who would like to sit at the table and engage with the younger ones as a helper, that would be great too! We hope this creates a space in which parents can worship and children feel welcome and included.  Children are a blessing to our church and our worship experience, with all the joy and enthusiasm they bring!

Nursery Care Volunteer Needed First Sunday of the Month

Our dedicated Nursery Care Provider, Sharon, takes the first Sunday of the month off so she can attend worship.  If you would like to volunteer to provide nursery coverage on the first Sundays of the month please speak with Pastor Kristabeth.  Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.  Those under 18 may serve as nursery assistants under an adult’s supervision.

Donate to the Food Shelf:  With children home from school for the summer break, need continues to be great. Place your donation in the shopping cart in the Gathering Space. Celebrate 177 pounds of food delivered to the Food Shelf for June!  Thank you for your generosity.

Come join the New Member Conversations!

Come if you are curious –

You might be wondering about our church history or

How does Faith UMC plan for the future?

Who decides what we’ll do next week, next month, next year?

What does membership mean?

How can I become more involved?

What are my spiritual gifts?

Who was John Wesley and why is he important to Methodists?

If you’d like some answers – let Tricia Waldron know you are interested by seeing her at church or calling 373-6114 or via email

Bystander Intervention Training at Williston Federated Church

Training Active Bystanders (TAB) is a two hour training designed to help participants recognize when they are bystanders, analyze the situation in which they find themselves, and decide on an appropriate action they can take to interfere with interpersonal oppression and bullying as it happens. Active “bystandership” does not mean aggression but rather helping people in need.  The program presumes we can change our communities by encouraging active bystander responses. Suggested donation is $10 per person. Contact Charlie Magill,, to enroll or for further information.

Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program Hosts Documentary Viewing – TONIGHT

Warehoused shows what life is like for refugees living in Dadaab, the world’s largest refugee camp located in Kenya. Featuring interviews and commentary from resettled refugees as well as members of the UN and other relief agencies, Warehoused provides an important glimpse into the long and arduous resettlement process that hundreds of thousands of refugees go through every year. It also offers a look at the living conditions that refugees residing in Dadaab experience on a daily basis for years on end. Here is a link to the documentary’s website if you are interested in learning more:

Friday, June 30, 2017

7pm – 9pm

Studio A, 294 North Winooski Ave. Burlington, VT

By Donation