Dear Friends in Faith,
Happy snowy day! It’s not quite as snowy as we expected, but it reminds us that winter isn’t done with us yet! The good thing, though, is that March snows don’t last very long. Soon it will melt and we will enter Mud Season
Lent often corresponds with Mud Season, which seems appropriate. Mud Season is messy and Lent can be messy, too. As we pray and reflect on our lives we sometimes get stuck in those areas of our lives we wish we could change, or discover things we wish we could wipe off, like mud on our boots. Below you will find a reflection that invites us not to dwell on our mistakes, but move forward with hope
Scroll further down to learn what’s happening in your Faith community.
Your Friend in Faith,
Pastor Kristabeth
So let us feast on simple pleasures,
and fast from all that gets our bodies and souls out of balance.
Let us feast on kindness, and fast from sarcasm.
Let us feast on compassion, and fast from holding grudges.
Let us feast on patience, and fast from anxiety.
Let us feast on peace, and fast from stirring up needless conflict.
Let us feast on acceptance, and fast from judgment.
Let us feast on joy, and fast from jealousy.
Let us feast on faith, and fast from fear.
Let us feast on creativity, and fast from all that deadens our souls.
Let us feast on social justice, and let us fast from negligence of the most vulnerable.
Let us feast on service to others, and fast from selfishness.
Let us feast on delight, and fast from despair.
Let us feast on bread and wine in spiritual communion, and fast from all that keeps us from communing deeply with each other and with God.
So that our lives might be sufficient, fulfilled, complete, whole, enough. Amen!
~ Rev. Jim Burklo
Sunday, March 11 – Fourth Sunday of Lent
Theme: Grace for our Sinfulness
Scripture: Colossians 3:12-17, Ephesians 1:4-10
Sermon: Compassion in Today’s World – Tim Hess
UMCOR Sunday – Offering for the work of United Methodist Committee on Relief
Spring Forward – Daylight Saving Time starts Sunday March 11
Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night or you might miss church on Sunday!
Pastor Kristabeth’s Schedule March 12-16
Monday – Office in the Morning, Lunch Meeting
Tuesday – Office in the Morning, Afternoon Visits
Wednesday – Office in the Morning, Afternoon Visits, Evening Meetings with Resource Ministry Teams
Thursday – Office in the Morning
Friday – Pastor’s Day Off
Faith United Methodist Women Meeting – THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 11TH
There will be a meeting after worship on THIS SUNDAY for anyone interested in having a bazaar this year. We need to decide whether to continue or explore other fundraising opportunities. Please come with ideas and suggestions.
Pines Ministry Team
We are looking to grow our Pines Ministry Team, which offers monthly worship and communion at the Pines Senior Living community. Participants read Scripture, offer prayers and give an occasional sermon. Our next Pines Worship is Sunday, March 18 at 11:30am. Please join us if you are curious or interested! Speak with Tim Hess or Pastor Kristabeth for more information.
To All Knitters and Crochets’ – A Message from Bonnie Machia
Fred Sanford gave me Gail’s yarn, needles, and pattern books. There is a lot of all! I am thinking it would be a nice memorial to Gail if the yarn is used to make hats, scarves and mittens for the 2018 mitten tree at church. There is way too much for me to use it all, so I would like to start a knitting/crochet group. We can meet monthly or weekly, needles and yarn will be provided. I have tried several of the many patterns that are simple, so any level of knitting ability is welcome. If you are interested, please be in contact: (put “knitting” in the subject line) or call 802-863-3557. Let me know time of day and days of the week that work for you.
The Methodist Mixers will dine Saturday, March 24th, at the Windjammer Restaurant at 5:30pm. Mark your calendars and contact Beth or Rod Williams at 658-6468. You may also call for more information. This is a group of Methodists from area churches who meet a few times a year for fellowship and food. Anyone is welcome, singles or couples. Please join us!
Men’s Breakfast – 1st Saturday of the month at 8am at Denny’s
Women’s Breakfast – 2nd Saturday of the month at 9am at Trader Dukes