Dear Friends in Faith,

It is almost Thanksgiving and I pray for you a wonderful and safe holiday whether you are traveling to be with family, staying home, or having a quiet celebration.  Below you will find a Thanksgiving prayer.  You may wish to share this prayer around your Thanksgiving tables.

As we conclude the longs season of Pentecost and begin our Advent Journey we have many opportunities for worship, service and celebration.  Please scroll down further to read about the upcoming activities of our Faith community.

Your Friend in Faith,

Pastor Krista Beth

Let us join our hands and hearts in gratitude on this wondrous day, where we have the abundance of our lives before us. We remember on this day of bounty all of those who do not have enough, who are afraid, who are lonely, and who suffer. We wish for the abundance of this world to be shared, for fear to become love, for the lonely to feel welcomed, and for the suffering to know rest and joy. For the labors, the love, the care that gave us the delights of this and every day, we say “Thanks!” For the nourishment of our spirit, the challenges that strengthen us, and the friends we have on the journey, we sing “Thanks!” For all that is our lives, for these good gifts, we whisper, “Thanks!” Overflowing with gratitude, let us shout, “Thanks!” Amen.

–Naomi King, “A Thanksgiving Blessing”

Pastor Krista Beth’s Schedule

Monday morning I will be in and out of the office for meetings.  I will be at Barnes & Noble Cafe for my Open Hours from 3:30-5:30.  Wednesday I will be off for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  I will be back for Sunday worship on November 30th.  There will be no Faith UMC Update Thanksgiving week. 

Sunday Service November 23

Theme: Christ the King:  Faith Through Relationships

Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46

Sermon: To Me

Share Our Thanks with the Hungry
Our cornucopia will be on the altar through THIS Sunday (November 23). Please help us to fill it to overflowing with non-perishable foods for the Food Shelf.  Let’s make it a special Thanksgiving for others!  ~ The Worship & Outreach Teams

THIS Sunday, November 23 is the last day that poinsettias can be ordered for our Christmas Altar.  Please fill out a pink poinsettia form and hand in with money.

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Sunday, November 23, 2014, 7:30 p.m.

Burlington Area Ministerial Association

Celebrate Diversity & Community as Many Faith & Spiritual Communities Gather in Song, Prayer & Thanks!

First Congregational Church 38 So. Winooski St. Burlington, Vermont

Donations accepted in support of JUMP!
(An Interfaith Choir will Gather for rehearsal at 6:30.  All are welcome to sing!  )

Hanging of the Greens:  THIS Sunday, November 23rd

This year Hanging of the Greens will again take place the Sunday before Thanksgiving, November 23rd! We will remove the Cornucopia food, for the food shelf, from the altar and dive right into the Christmas spirit. Everyone is invited to remain in the Narthex after church to kick off this annual celebration and help festoon the Sanctuary, Narthex and Brand Hall. We will again use the activity card process (remember each card has all the directions to complete the task). We are encouraging families to work together on each of these activities. There will be additional activities that are geared toward families with young children. Once all the activities are completed we will join together in the Sanctuary to welcome the joyous Advent season. Come EVERYONE, let’s work together as we prepare for the season of Advent!  Please contact Bonnie Machia or Heather Hack if you need more information.

December 2 Is “Giving Tuesday”
Giving Tuesday (December 2) has been designated by Global Ministries as a day when gifts made on-line to mission through the Advance will be matched dollar for dollar!!  “On December 2, United Methodists are invited to participate in UMC #GivingTuesday, when gifts made online through The Advance will be matched dollar for dollar. Building on the recent US shopping traditions of Black Friday, Local Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, UMC #GivingTuesday offers an opportunity to start off the holiday season by giving instead of getting through supporting organizations that are transforming the world.” Go to the Board of Global Ministries’ website ( and there is a banner on the front page that tells you about “Giving Tuesday.”

Advent Healing Service Sunday, December 14th at 5:00pm:  Blue Christmas
Our Healing Ministries Team is offering a Blue Christmas Service on Sunday, December 14th at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary.  What is a Blue Christmas Service?  The UM General Board of Discipleship explains it this way:  “Not everyone is up and cheery for the Christmas holidays. Dealing with the death of a loved one, facing life after divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living with cancer or some other dis-ease that puts a question mark over the future, and a number of other human situations make parties and joviality painful for many people in our congregations and communities. There is a growing attentiveness to the needs of people who are blue at Christmas. Increasing numbers of churches are creating sacred space for people living through dark times. Such services are reflective, accepting where we really are, and holding out healing and hope.”  Join us for a quiet, meditative worship experience.  Invite friends who may be struggling with the holidays.  Speak with Pastor Krista Beth if you have any questions

Christmas Eve Candle Lighting:  Volunteers Needed!
Pastor Krista Beth and the Worship Team are looking for “families” who would like to participate in the Candle Lighting during the Advent and Christmas Eve Worship Services. We invite you to define family in the broadest sense possible ~ recognizing that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ! Those who participate will come forward to light the candles.  Krista Beth will provide readings to share as the candles are lit. Please speak with Pastor Krista Beth if you (or your “family”) are interested in participating.  These are the dates / times we still need volunteers:
December 24 5:30p
December 24 7:30p
December 24 11:00p

We are the Deodorant Church!
JUMP (Joint Urban Ministries Project) depends on us to provide deodorant to share with members of our community in need.  (The Dollar Store is a great place to buy deodorant.)  There is a basket on the Outreach Table in the Gathering Space where donations of deodorant can be placed.  Thank you!

Faith Church Yoga Class is taking a break.  Watch here or speak with Bridget Kimsey if you are interested in knowing the start of the next session. 

News for the Update

If your Team has news of an event or opportunity you would like to share through the “Update,” please e-mail me with the information by Wednesday. I will be happy to get it out. Thanks!