Dear Friends in Faith,

The leaves are falling and the air is starting to chill.  The seasons are changing again!  All this may make us feel a bit unsettled, as if time is passing too quickly.  Yet, despite the changes in our lives and the changes in the seasons, God is with us.  Below you will find a prayer affirming God’s presence with us.  Scroll further down to read about upcoming events and opportunities in our Faith community.

Your Friend in Faith,
Pastor Krista Beth

O Dear One, light that travels years, darkness that frames the day, creativity that defies our conventions, cataclysm that mocks our smug sense of control, inspiration for the book of Psalms and the Book of Job alike, prayerfully we turn to you now.  In prayer, we give up our arrogance and return to our place as human beings, recognizing your place as supreme — you are so far beyond us, yet at the same time you are the very essence of our souls, closer to us than our own bodies.  In prayer, we let our communion with you sort out our conflicting urges and intentions, separating that which is worth doing from that which is not, separating that which helps from that which harms.  In prayer, your love settles our hearts in the same way that silt settles to the bottom of a still place in a stream.  O Dear One, we take time now to reach for the subtle ecstasy of your presence, accepting us just as we are, inspiring us to be the best we can be. Amen. 

~ Jim Burklo

Pastor Krista-Beth’s Schedule
Next Monday afternoon I will be at the Bishop’s Day on the District in Montpelier, so will not be holding my Open Hours at Barnes & Noble.  Otherwise I will be keeping my regular Office Hours.

Sunday Service October 26
Theme:  Commandments of Love
Scripture:  Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18, Matthew 22:34-46
Sermon: An Undivided Heart ~ Rev. Marriott Churchill

We will be publishing an Updated FUMC Contact List in November.  If you wish to have your phone number or e-mail address removed (or added) please respond to this e-mail.  (Those e-mail addresses not published last time will not be published this time, either.)  Thanks! 

New Member Conversations
If you are interested in becoming a member of Faith United Methodist Church or if you would like to learn more about the history and structure of Faith Church or the United Methodist Denomination, find our Lay Leader, Tricia Waldron, after worship on Sunday so we can set dates for New Member Conversations.

Celebrating Forward in Faith on Sunday, October 26th
On Sunday, October 26th our friend Kim Yeasir from The Preachers’ Aid Society will join us for Worship.  She will update us on the progress of the Wells, Maine Clergy Housing and the Central Conference Pension Initiative that we supported as a mission component of Forward in Faith.  Rev. Marriott Churchhill, resident of Wesley By The Sea, will join us also and bring a message.  Following Worship we will gather in the Parking Lot to bless the newly paved lot and celebrate the completion of our first Forward in Faith project.  This is also Leaf-a-Palooza Sunday, so bring your rakes and garden tools!

Leaf-a-Palooza 2014 – Sunday, October 26
As we say good-bye to summer, help us welcome Fall/Winter with a rake in one hand and a donut in the other. Join the FLOCK in preparing our grounds and gardens for the change in seasons. We hope you will dress for the outdoors, bring a rake and some gardening tools, and join in the fun and festivities which will commence at the close of children’s time for the kids and after church for adults. See Diane Chamberlain with any questions.

Bishop’s Day on the District ~ Monday, October 27
2:00 – 5:00 PM Clergy
6:30 – 8:30 PM Laity (and clergy who are unable to attend the afternoon session)
A light meal of “soup and sandwich” will be available for clergy who want to stay after their session or lay folks who want to come a bit early. If you would like the supper, please contact the district office to be included in the count. ( or 802-878-1245)
Trinity United Methodist Church
137 Main Street
Montpelier,VT 05602

Holiday Bazaar Saturday, November 8th ~ How Can You Help? Our annual Holiday Bazaar right around the corner!  We need donations of cookies, cakes, pies, candies, jams, crafts and white elephant items, especially Christmas items and children’s toys and clothing.  There will be a group of workers meeting on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 pm to sort and price items from now until the week of the bazaar.  If you would like to help, please see Heather Hack or Gwen Farrington or just show up.

We also need helpers to work Wednesday through Saturday of the bazaar week setting up tables in Brand Hall on Tuesday evening and help taking down tables and box items for Goodwill on Saturday afternoon.  The sign-up sheets are on the kiosk.  All proceeds from the Bazaar will go to the United Methodist Women to support local and worldwide mission projects.

Message from Former Pastor, Rev. Woody Carver ~ Carol and Woody Carver are moving! On  November 1, 2014 they will be settling in to an independent living complex.  Their new address is:  Rev. Woody and Carol Carver, 3105 Florence Drive, Latham NY 12110.  Please don’t use this new address until after November 1, 2014.

This year’s Best JUMP Supper Ever is on Saturday, November 1st.  Seating’s are at 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm. The event will take place in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church in Downtown Burlington. Parking is available in the parking garage across the street. This is a great meal, where 28 faith communities come together, bringing a buffet of their best food traditions.  Tickets are $10 adults, $5 children ages 6-12. Kids 5 and under eat for free. Please contact 497-1661 or for tickets. Want to help a JUMP client come to dinner, too? Buy a “sponsor” ticket and host a neighbor!  Please help spread the word. See attached “Best Supper” flier.

We are the Deodorant Church!  JUMP (Joint Urban Ministries Project) depends on us to provide deodorant to share with members of our community in need.  There is a basket on the Outreach Table in the Gathering Space where donations of deodorant can be placed.  Thank you!

Faith Church Yoga Class Continues
Yoga class meets at 8:30am every Saturday in the Gathering Space or Sanctuary.  All ages and experience are welcome.  Bridget Kimsey is our talented and spirited yoga instructor.  The fee per class is $10.

News for the Update
If your Team has news of an event or opportunity you would like to share through the “Update,” please e-mail me with the information by Tuesday. I will be happy to get it out. Thanks!
Rev. Krista Beth Atwood
Faith United Methodist Church
899 Dorset St.
South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 863-6764

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:30am (Tuesday 10:00am) -12:00pm (Off on Friday)
Open Hours: Monday 3:30pm-5:30pm Barnes and Noble Cafe on Dorset St.

“What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8