Dear Friends in Faith,

This week my mother arrives from Nebraska and we are going to Maine to spend some time with family.  This gathering has become an annual event occurring each September.  My mother’s side of the family is very small ~ just one aunt, two cousins and two second cousins.  Particularly because we are such a small family ~ and we live in scattered places ~ it seems important to get together.  One very special thing we will be celebrating this weekend is my aunt’s recent wedding!  Our family is growing with the addition of Tom, my aunt’s new husband and friend from elementary school. My mother and I will be meeting Tom for the first time!

While I am looking forward to this family gathering, I do regret the timing in leaving my Faith family so soon after returning from my Renewal Leave.  I appreciate the support of the SPRT, and you all, in using my vacation time for this.  Below you will find a prayer for God to draw us all ~  scattered family, friends, strangers ~ closer.  Scroll further down to read about upcoming events and opportunities in our community of Faith.

Your Friend in Faith,

Pastor Krista Beth

God in our distant places
Draw us closer

God in family, friends, strangers and outcasts
Draw us closer

God in comfort, challenge, certainty and surprise
Draw us closer

God in appetites and satisfaction, motivation and ambition
Draw us closer

God within us at our best
Draw us closer

God within us at our worst
Draw us closer

God of food and fellowship and fun
Draw us closer

Amen.~ Richard Holdsworth

Pastor Krista-Beth’s Schedule

Tomorrow (Thursday 9/18) begins a short vacation (Thursday-Monday) for a family reunion in Maine.  Joe Watts will be leading the September 21st worship service with help from Faith friends. I will not be in the office or at Barnes & Noble next Monday.  I will be available for my regular office hours Tuesday – Thursday.  As always, if you are looking for me and I am not in the office, please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Sunday Service September 21
Theme:  Meeting God in Prayer
Scene 1: Joyce & Joe’s kitchen table–Praying for the church family
Scene 2:  A quiet place deep inside you–Resting in God’s presence
Scene 3:  FUMC Sanctuary–Praying together
Annual Church Conference to be held Sunday, October 5th following Worship

Our District Superintendent, Rev. Brigid Farrell, will join us for our annual Church Conference.  Everyone is welcome!  All members are invited to vote on the business brought before the Church Conference.  The agenda will include accepting the Ovitt bequest, recommendation on the Pastor’s salary, approval of church leadership (including new Trustees) and affirmation of Lay Servant Ministers. 

Community Concert to Support Hunger Education and Outreach

Counterpoint invites you to the 7th annual SING FOR PEACE Sunday, September 21, 2014, 4 p.m at First Congregational Church, 38 S. Winooski Ave, Burlington.  This concert features five of Vermont’s finest choruses:  The Montpelier Community Gospel Choir, The Vermont Youth Concert Chorale, The South County Chorus, The Ad Hoc Chorus, and Counterpoint.  Free admission.  Donations will be collected for CROP Hunger Walk, an interfaith hunger education and fund-raising events sponsored by Church World Service.

Chicken BBQ Saturday, September 27th at Faith UMC
The seatings for the Chicken BBQ Dinner will be 5:00pm and 6:15pm.  The Silent Auction will run from 4:30-7:00pm.  Come to enjoy a delicious half-chicken along with mac & cheese, salad, carrots, and pie!  Price is $10 for adults and $6 for children 10 and under.  Tickets will be on sale after worship this Sunday.  Invite your friends!

FLOCK is looking for a Few Good Shepherds!

Our Spiritual Development Team is looking for some additional volunteers for our FLOCK program.  We need a Shepherd to supervise the hallways during FLOCK.  We also need a Shepherd to teach the middle / high school FLOCK youth on a rotating basis.  If you are interested please speak with Maggie or Heather.  Thanks!

Tuesday Bible Study meets next week, September 23rd
Our mid-week Bible study meets every other Tuesday at 1:00pm in the High School room.  All are welcome!  We are studying the Gospel of Matthew.  Study guides are available in the “Bible Study” mailbox in the Gathering Space.

Reduce Gas Sunday ~ September 28, 2014

Our Faith FLOCK Middle School Class is studying God’s creation and celebrating the forest, water, sky and land.  As a way to help us all focus on the importance of God’s creation they are championing a “Reduce Gas Sunday” on September 28th (rain date October 5th).  Those who are able are encouraged to walk, ride bikes, or carpool to church.  This will require a little advance planning to start your preparations now!  Their goal is to have 20 or fewer cars in the parking lot ~ not due to low attendance, but due to high participation in alternative transportation!  Talk to a Middle Schooler or Paula Blanchett, their FLOCK leader, if you have questions!

Animal Blessing Service Sunday, October 5th at 2pm in Brand Hall!  All friendly pets welcome on leashes or in carriers. Invite your friends!

Faith Church Yoga Class Continues

Yoga class meets at 8:30am every Saturday in the Gathering Space or Sanctuary.  All ages and experience are welcome.  Bridget Kimsey is our talented and spirited yoga instructor.  The fee per class is $10.

News for the Update

If your Team has news of an event or opportunity you would like to share through the “Update,” please e-mail me with the information by Tuesday. I will be happy to get it out. Thanks!
Krista Beth
Rev. Krista Beth Atwood
Faith United Methodist Church
899 Dorset St.
South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 863-6764

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:30am (Tuesday 10:00am) -12:00pm (Off on Friday)
Open Hours: Monday 3:30pm-5:30pm Barnes and Noble Cafe on Dorset St.

“What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8