“There is plenty for all”

Theme: The Bread of Life: Breaking

John 6:1-26


In our culture, we have a habit of paying attention to things that we worry about …

We pay attention to our money, our food, our work, transportation, and our health–things that could expire, run out or cease to exist if we don’t pay attention. And when does the worry end? Well, it ends when we have enough…. Or does it?


We are blessed with so many gifts in life that do not run out, that we don’t need to worry about loosing, that when we pay attention to them, enriches our lives.


For instance…


There is always an opportunity to be more aware…

In any situation, under any condition, each of us has the ability to raise our awareness and create a richer appreciation for what is.


Try it now…. In this moment pay attention to what IS (not what was, or what might be, but what IS right now). Breath, stillness…. Feel that you are alive, in this place, here together, assured of God’s love.


Praise God for endlessly abundant awareness of what IS

And say together, “There is plenty for all”!



There is always an opportunity to be in relationship…

In any situation, under any condition, each of us has the ability to engage in some sort of relationship. Just by paying attention, we can engage in relationship with ourselves, with an idea, with nature, with people we know and with people we don’t know, and we can be in relationship with God.


Praise God for the endlessly abundant gift of relationship,

And say together, “There is plenty for all”!



In any situation, under any condition, each of us has the ability to make a meaningful contribution. A loving thought, a loving word, and a loving action all instantly contributes to the wellbeing of humanity. Paying attention to choose loving actions creates meaningful living. And that sense of making a contribution is a blessing.


Praise God for the endlessly abundant gift of loving contributions and meaningful living, and say together, “There is plenty for all”!


-Liz Dallas