The Compassion Ministry Circle focuses on ministries that show concern or care for the experiences of others. The Latin root of the word compassion is “to suffer with.” Our Ministries of Compassion let others know that they are not alone. Both people within our church family, and those outside our church family, are in need of compassion. Jesus did not show partiality in showing compassion and neither do we. To have compassion is to recognize the needs of other and take action to help.
Members currently include:
Compassion Facilitator – Diane Chamberlain & Lynn Rowe
Helping Hands Fund Coordinator
Local Missions
JUMP Liaison
Food Shelf Liaison
Meals on Wheels Liaison
Mission Labels / Box tops Liaison
United Methodist Women Shepherd
Safe Sanctuaries Shepherd
Prayer Ministry
Healing Prayer Coordinator
Prayer Chain Coordinator
Additional Ministries of Compassion
At Large Members