The Inspiration Ministry Circle focuses on ministries that move us closer to God. To be inspired is to be led or influenced by God to feel new things or do things in new ways. Our Ministries of Inspiration seek to offer opportunities to experience God’s presence with all our senses – sound, sight, touch, taste and smell – through worship, one-on-one, through writing and digitally. Since we believe that God works through us, we can all be instruments of inspiration.
Members currently include:
Inspiration Facilitator – Penni Cross
Publicity Ministries
Website Coordinator
Facebook Coordinator
Pines Ministry Shepherd
Pines Ministry Team Members
Adult Library Shepherd
Children’s Library Shepherd
Worship Shepherd
Music Team Coordinator
Bell Choir Director
Acolyte Coordinator
Altar Coordinator
PPT Coordinator
Audio Recorder
Children’s Sermon Coordinator
Scripture Readers Coordinator
Usher Coordinator
Liturgist Coordinator
Communion Coordinator
Worship Theme Coordinator
Children’s Sunday / Christmas Pageant Coordinator
Faith Adventure Series / Speaker Coordinator
Additional Ministries of Inspiration
At Large Members