Sermon August 2: Spiritual Food
Faith United Methodist Church August 2, 2015 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Kristabeth E. Atwood Scripture: John 6:24-35 Prayer of Illumination: It is through each one of us that your love and the fellowship of your Holy Spirit are made known. It is through the...Sermon July 26: Love Feast
Faith United Methodist Church July 26, 2015 Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Kristabeth E. Atwood Scripture: John 6:1-21 Sermon: Love Feast Pastors are entrusted with ordering the lives if their congregations ~ in sacraments, in preaching the word and overseeing the...Welcome to Faith United Methodist Church
Pastor: Rev. Sean Delmore
Sunday Worship weekly at 9:30AM
Nursery care available
899 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
Call 802-863-6764 for more information
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