Sermon August 20: Um….. Jesus

Faith United Methodist Church August 20, 2017 Ninth Sunday after Pentecost – Holy Humor Rev. Kristabeth Atwood Scripture:  Matthew 15:1-2, 10-11, 21-28, Psalm 133 Prayer for Illumination: Lord of love, come to us this day with clarity.  May the words that I speak and...

Sermon August 21: It’s All in the Timing

Faith United Methodist Church August 21, 2016 14th Sunday after Pentecost Holy Humor Sunday Rev. Kristabeth Atwood Scripture:  Luke 13:10-17 Prayer of Illumination: (Unison) O God, lighten our solemnity with laughter, our boredom with dancing and turn our work into...

Sermon August 23: Tin Soldier (Holy Humor Sunday)

Faith United Methodist Church August 23, 2015 13th Sunday after Pentecost / Holy Humor Rev. Kristabeth E. Atwood Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20 Sermon:  Tin Soldier          Today’s Scripture reading, in which Paul encourages the early Christians to dress themselves in...

Sermon Holy Humor August 24: No Joke

Faith United Methodist Church August 24, 2014 Holy Humor Sunday Rev. Krista-Beth Atwood Scripture:  Romans 12:1-8, Matthew 16:13-20 Prayer of Illumination:   O God, you have spoken to us through the word of faith.  Embolden our spirits by your Spirit, that your words...