Sermon August 14: Mobile Home

Faith United Methodist Church August 14, 2016 13th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Kristabeth Atwood Scripture:  Genesis 12:1-9, Joel 2:28-32 Prayer of Illumination: God of new life, thank you for what we have heard. Thank you for the chance to hear the stories of our...

Sermon July 24: Confirmation or Conformation?

Faith United Methodist Church July 24, 2016 10th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Kristabeth Atwood Scripture:  Colossians 2: 6-10, 16-19 Response to the Word (Bulletin) Like a true friend, Lord, you have not withheld the wisdom of your word. Like a true friend, Lord, you...

Sermon August 7: As Many As the Stars in the Sky

Faith United Methodist Church August 7, 2016 12th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Kristabeth Atwood Scripture:  Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 Prayer of Illumination: May the words that I speak and the thoughts that we form be acceptable in your sight, God, our Rock and our...

Sermon July 17: Mary or Martha? Who’s the Saint?

Faith United Methodist Church July 17, 2016 9th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Kristabeth Atwood Scripture:  Luke 10:38-42, Colossians 1:15-20a Prayer for Illumination: Holy God, you care for our needs with your compassionate presence and teachings. Holy God, be our...

Sermon June 12: Grace in Everything

Faith United Methodist Church June 12, 2016 4th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Kristabeth Atwood Scripture:  Ephesians 1:3-14 Prayer for Illumination:  Guide us, O God, by your Word and Spirit, that in your light we may see light, that in your truth find freedom, and in...