Sermon August 14: Mobile Home
Faith United Methodist Church August 14, 2016 13th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Kristabeth Atwood Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9, Joel 2:28-32 Prayer of Illumination: God of new life, thank you for what we have heard. Thank you for the chance to hear the stories of our...Sermon July 24: Confirmation or Conformation?
Faith United Methodist Church July 24, 2016 10th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Kristabeth Atwood Scripture: Colossians 2: 6-10, 16-19 Response to the Word (Bulletin) Like a true friend, Lord, you have not withheld the wisdom of your word. Like a true friend, Lord, you...Sermon August 7: As Many As the Stars in the Sky
Faith United Methodist Church August 7, 2016 12th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Kristabeth Atwood Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 Prayer of Illumination: May the words that I speak and the thoughts that we form be acceptable in your sight, God, our Rock and our...Sermon August 30: Is Church Cool?
Faith United Methodist Church August 30, 2015 14th Sunday after Pentecost / Silent Auction Sermon Rev. Kristabeth E. Atwood Scripture: James 1: 17-27 Prayer of Illumination: God of all wisdom, source of truth, come to us that we may be filled with your Word. May our...Welcome to Faith United Methodist Church
Pastor: Rev. Sean Delmore
Sunday Worship weekly at 9:30AM
Nursery care available
899 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
Call 802-863-6764 for more information
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