“We journey forward with Christ”
John 12:1-8 Theme: The Free Way
(Prepared for Taize style worship)
This morning, the call to worship is an invitation to journey with Christ in a visual mediation. And our unison response is “We journey forward with Christ”.
The path is dusty, difficult, and long. With each step on the path, notice the pebbles and loose dirt beneath the soles of your sandals. Toughened for the journey, the pads of your feet cushion the impact of the terrain. Though conditioned for the journey, your feet will still ache at the end of the day.
But for now, we walk — You and I together with Jesus. In our breath we create the rhythm of our mantra, saying together “We journey forward with Christ”
See the open road, the arid landscape with low sagebrush and rocky hillsides. Feel the hot sun and the warm, dry air that blows against your face. Squinting to protect your eyes, you can see the city of Jerusalem off in the distance.
And in the foreground is Jesus, leading the way, setting the pace, steady in the rhythm of our walk as we say together, “We journey forward with Christ”.
Everything our senses perceive indicates that this is Jesus’ path. This is his journey. But our hearts know that this is our path, our journey. Our path is hard to navigate, to find our way and accept the challenges before us — to make whole our bodies, to make whole our relationships, to make whole our community, serving, giving, living.
The path is stressful, but the way is free. Because we walk, we breathe, we say together, “We Journey forward with Christ”.